if i were a doctor paragraph

I want to serve them and take care of them. If I were to become a teacher, the first step I would take to make teaching more interesting and fun filled, so that students would be attentive in class. Report a Violation 11. To turn into a doctor, one must persist through a ton of preparing and training. An alternate reason is because a large portion of my relatives are doctors, medical attendants, or dental practitioners. The initial four years one would be a premed. I would gain, other than cash, love, admiration and the undaunted worship. I need to get an E.C.G. I was thrilled to realize that the biology, chemistry, and physics classes I enjoyed so much were fundamentally related to medicine; I could both satisfy my love for the basic sciences while helping individual patients as a “cool” doctor. Surgical job is not my favorite one. Type II : Probable or Hypothetical —unfulfilled condition of the Present. She is a lonely old woman who lost her son in the war and tries to replace him with her particular tenants. If I Were A Millionaire! essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations. This profession intrigues me because I like to help individuals. I would like to become a doctor. essay on my aim in life to become a doctor Short essay on my aim in life to become a doctor.Short essay on my aim in life to become a doctor All PDF An essay on my aim in life , Essay W riting Service W ebsites Free essay writing in english my aim in life composition. The rooms were airy and well ventilated. Lastly, if I were a bad, I would like to have the eyes of a hawk, the flying ability and sharp eyesight of an eagle, and still maintain the beauty of a flamingo. To set the tone for the school year right, I started off by asking my students to write a two paragraph response to the prompt: what would you do if you had a magic wand? She was a doctor or likely had some medical training, as evidenced by her ability to stuff her pets. I break down some things I’ve heard from students in my mock interview sessions to help you clarify what your motivations are for pursuing medical school.. Related posts: 298 Words Essay for School Students on if I were a Doctor 152 Words Essay for kids on the […] https://youtu.be/5raD7ZeqOyw Write a paragraph on "MY FAVORITE FOOD". The doctor specialises in various fields to provide treatments to their patients. I do not think I will need to be a specialist, because cutting individuals open and taking things out does not appear to be exceptionally engaging. Many more can be written about "the aim of becoming a doctor". Jill Biden” sounds and feels fraudulent, not to say a touch comic. Doctor’s as medical saviour emerged as professionals and evolving day by day. TOS4. Today, I am working toward It and I am hoping to accomplish my dream In becoming a doctor to honor the memory of my beloved grandfather. They give advice to patients to help keep them from getting sick. Your degree is, I believe, an Ed.D., a doctor of education, earned at the University of Delaware through a … The doctor just rehashed his point on counteractive action, however he later said that what couldn’t be averted must be cured. But, today doctors are found to be indifferent to their patients. It’s a lot of important things The test is a good mark on the paragraph. There was a small medical store adjacent to it. I would give my students their space of imagination and thoughts, so that they learn to think and implement for the betterment in a situation or crisis. (a) told the receptionist that he wanted an appointment with the doctor for that (b) replied that she was sorry but she could not give him (c) exclaimed that he could be dead by then. It generally takes seven to eight years to complete his training. Session 215. There is a paragraph in a class in each class. He works with a missionary zeal and sacrifices his comforts to the service of mankind. Importance of Doctors in Society. Article Shared By. He included that it is the doctor’s obligation to cure. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows: (3 marks) Patient: Good afternoon. In this episode, I discuss the importance of knowing why you want to be a doctor. It is distant from surgical work. essay if i become a doctor. यदि मैं डॉक्टर होता तो मैं भी ऐसा करने का प्रयत्न करता ।, सामान्यतया मैंने ऐसा पढ़ा तथा सुना है कि दूर-दराज के देहातों में डॉक्टरी-सेवा का बड़ा अभाव है । वहां तरह-तरह की बीमारियां फैलती रहती हैं जिनके परिणामस्वरूप अनेक लोग बिना दवा के मर जाते हैं । वहां देहातों में डॉक्टरों के स्थान पर नीम-हकीमों का बोलबाला है या फिर झाड़-फूंक करने वाले ओझा लोग बीमारी का भी इलाज करते हैं ।, ये नीम-हकीम तथा ओझा लोग इन देहाती लोगों को जो अशिक्षित, अनपढ़ व निर्धन हैं, उल्लू बनाकर दोनों हाथों से लूटते भी हैं अपनी अज्ञानता से उनकी जान तक ले लेते हैं । यदि मैं डॉक्टर होता तो आवश्यकता पड़ने पर ऐसे ही देहातों में जाकर वहां के निवासियों की तरह-तरह की बीमारियों से रक्षा करता ।, साथ-ही-साथ उनको इन नीम-हकीम तथा ओझाओं से भी छुटकारा दिलाने का प्रयत्न करता । आज के युग में प्राय: डॉक्टर अपने लिए धन-सम्पत्ति जुटाने में लगे रहते हैं । इसके लिए वे शहरों में रहकर बेचारे रोगियों को दोनों हाथों से लूटना प्रारम्भ कर देते हैं जो डॉक्टरी पेशे पर एक बदनुमा दाग है ।, ऐसा नहीं है कि हमें अपने और अपने परिवार के लिए धन-सम्पत्ति या सुख-सुविधाओं की आवश्यकता नहीं है । सभी को इसकी आवश्यकता होती है, इसीलिए मैं भी धन-सम्पत्ति इकट्‌ठा तो करता परन्तु सच्ची सेवा द्वारा मानव-जाति को स्वस्थ रखना मेरे जीवन का ध्येय होता । यही डॉक्टरी पेशे की सबसे बड़ी उपलब्धि है ।, Hindi, Paragraphs, Situation, Paragraph on "If I were a Doctor". Hawks have big eyes and while they might seem scary, they are also quite beautiful and look like they do not like … ADVERTISEMENTS: If I were a tree, I would have been the best gift of nature. On my left was the enquiry room. At that point, he turns into a resident and practices under the supervision of a senior doctor. The paragraph is a statement or explanation about a thing. In this manner, I would gain love and admiration in such stores. A doctor is somebody who can help another person in need. They bandage knees, prescribe medicine, sew up cuts. Enable this option if Essay On Topic If I Were A Doctor you wish to generate essay by selecting the paragraphs that matches most closely to the topic entered. Account Disable 12. The duty of the doctor is to take care of their patients. There are numerous sorts of doctors, from general paediatricians to masters. are about 701,200 doctors in the United States. Note all subsequent generation will have no variations. Either article writing is asked or Descriptive Paragraph writing is asked. Doctors are very respected people . Article Shared By. Or may be a tree full of colorful flowers where I could speak about my presence without speaking anything. He included that it is the doctor’s obligation to cure. The very presence of doctor instills immense confidence in a patient. Before uploading and sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Description Paragraph of an Important Person in Your Life By phoneme person. Check out these grade-specific writing topics organized by mode (explanatory, creative, and so on). यह तो सत्य ही है कि डॉक्टर का व्यवसाय बड़ा ही पवित्र हुआ करता है । पहले तो लोग यहां तक कहते थे डॉक्टर केवल सेवा करने के लिए होता है, न कि पैसा कमाने के लिए ।, मैंने ऐसे कई डॉक्टरों के विषय में सुन रखा है जिन्होंने मानव-सेवा में अपना सारा जीवन लगा दिया तथा मरीजों को इसलिए नहीं मरने दिया क्योंकि उनके पास फीस देने या दवाई खरीदनें के लिए पैसे नहीं थे । धन्य हैं ऐसे डॉक्टर ! Image Guidelines 4. You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more. Tamil. I want to become a medical doctor. Paediatricians and doctors at free centers procure the minimum, despite the fact that they are likely the most required. API call; Human contributions. Conditional Sentences Exercises for Class 11 CBSE With Answers – English Grammar A conditional sentence has two parts—the main clause and the conditional clause (if—clause). If I Were a Doctor A doctor is perhaps the most useful member of the society. Means you will be asked to attempt only one. © 2017 HindiParagraph - All rights reserved Terms of Service Privacy Policy Contact Us, © 2017 HindiParagraph - All rights reserved, Paragraph on Acharya Narendra Dev in Hindi Language. Share 0. If I were a doctor I strictly would have followed the words that were spoken by him. ... Paragraph on “If I were a Doctor ADVERTISEMENTS: For a sick person, a doctor is a God on earth. A young man was brought on a stretcher. There are many types of doctors like eye-specialist, skin-specialist etc. Max Keyword Density. Terms of Service 7. Privacy Policy3. Before uploading and sharing your knowledge on this site, please … I would have had a lot of choices then. English. Question 15. Descriptive Paragraph Writing is a major portion of Class 9 writing section Syllabus. Info. Before the discovery of modern medicine, life was fleeting for humans. This is basically third question of the question paper. In school, one must study courses to get ready. The doctor just rehashed his point on counteractive action, however he later said that what couldn’t be averted must be cured. Disclaimer 8. . Experts most likely to earn more cash yet do not do as much and are obliged to take in more. I would like to becuase I want to help people around me. English. With this disposition, I am certain that if I were a doctor I could bring back the heavenly attendant status of doctor. As opposed to keeping an eye on the measure of cash used for the treatment, I should attempt to cure the patient completely without concentrating on the amount that has been paid for the administration. Paragraph on If I Were a Tree – by Shanu. Everybody needs a doctor eventually, so doctors are truly sought after. Essay On If I Were A Doctor In English, paper writing software, personal statement good ending, does your academic record accurately reflect your capabilities essay Paragraph in English has a high worth because paragraph writing is an art which you will… They treat people when they are sick or hurt. "SMOKING HELPS YOU RELAX" Know how. Here all cases of emergency were attended upon. done. My Dream To Become A Doctor. Before publishing your Paragraph on this site, please read the following pages: 1. A doctor can’t act carelessly with a patient as his life depends wholly upon the doctor. Although as a young person, I did not quite understand what doctors essentially do my desire heightened by the sick people I came across. Content Guidelines 2. Some medical professionals forget to increase their knowledge and become stuck on “old” beliefs and practices instead. Results for essay if i become a doctor translation from English to Tamil. ADVERTISEMENTS: Every person born in this world will have an aim or goal in life. A doctor visited to our school and gave an address on social insurance. If I were a doctor, I would also become a regular journal reader and applier of updated knowledge. Copyright 10. Essay on If I were a Doctor. I am not certain if I want to be a paediatrician or a master. Paragraph. A lady receptionist was on duty there. Type III : Impossible or […] I would likewise take cash from the extremely rich, and afterward treat the poor patients free. Every individual conceived in this world will have a point or objective in life. Prohibited Content 3. Why I Want to Be a Doctor. Paragraphs usually require students. Privacy Policy 9. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Paragraph. Welcome to Shortparagraph.com! Hindi, Paragraphs, Situation, Paragraph on "If I were a Doctor" Paragraph on Chandrasekhar Azad in Hindi Language. The paragraph is very common in school and college. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. My aptitude and interest grew simultaneously, fueling each other in a sort of feedback loop. My aspiration to become a doctor dates back to when I was in elementary school. There are three types of conditions: Type I : Possible — relating to future. Comments are closed. I want to do good for all of mankind. We recommend that you frame such answers on your own. संसार में अनेक प्रकार के आजीविका के साधन हैं । उनमें से कई साधन तो मानवीय दृष्टि से बड़े ही संवेदनशील हुआ करते हैं जिनका सीधा सम्बन्ध मनुष्य की भावनाओं, उसके प्राणों तथा सारे जीवन के साथ हुआ करता है ।, डॉक्टर का धन्धा कुछ इसी प्रकार का पवित्र, मानवीय संवेदनाओं से युक्त, प्राण-दान और जीवन-रक्षा की दृष्टि से ईश्वर के बाद दूसरा परन्तु कभी-कभी तो ईश्वर के समान ही माना जाता है । क्योंकि ईश्वर तो मनुष्य को केवल जन्म देकर संसार में भेजने का काम करता है जबकि डॉक्टर के कन्धों पर उसके सारे जीवन की रक्षा का भार पड़ा होता है ।, इन बातों को ध्यान में रखकर मैं प्राय: सोचा करता हूं कि यदि मैं डॉक्टर होता, तो ? Despite the fact that the courses are hard, it pays off at last when somebody can have any positive effect in somebody’s life. Content Guidelines 2. Short Essay on My Aim in Life - Important. If I were a doctor I strictly would have followed the words that were spoken by him. There is nothing wrong in having an ambition but one should not be overambitious. I will elaborate this one in my next essay. There is nothing wrong in having an aspiration; however one ought not to be overambitious. When I was still quite young and a student in a high school, a doctor visited our school and gave a lecture on healthcare. At first, my new sixth… Content Filtration 6. " Still with tears, I said, I will do that to honor oh grandfather. Then I saw the casualty room. Home ›› Related Essays: Essay on UNO in Hindi Language Essay on “Unity is Strength” in Hindi Essay for Children on “Holi” in Hindi Essay on Relevance of Hedonism in Hindi Literature Health technologies and information develop rapidly and doctors … Uploader Agreement. And I could be one of them. After therapeutic school, around one year of internship is required. A good doctor is a blessing not only for himself, but to the society as well, and that is what I would love to be, if I were a doctor. His shirt and trousers were covered with blood. Read this essay specially written for you on “If I were a Doctor” in Hindi language. A banyan tree which ages with beauty. ... -If I were a teacher, I would try my best to be sincere to my students. Dear Student, These questions focus on developing your writing and creative skills. काश मैं डॉक्टर होता | Paragraph on “If I were a Doctor” in Hindi language! He focused on the point that counteractive action is superior to cure. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. The environment was replete with unseen dangers in the form of disease and medical conditions. Paragraph On My Aim To Become A Doctor. Add a translation. He is an angel for his patients as he draws them out of the jaws of death. Disclaimer Copyright, Short Paragraph on My Aim in Life (Doctor), Paragraph on Living at a Bus Stop- by Shanu. Writing Topics. At that point, it’s on to therapeutic school, where for four years one looks into the range of medication one picks. A paragraph … Paragraph on Acharya Narendra Dev in Hindi Language . Write a short essay on if I were a teacher Share with your friends. Do you want to inspire your students to write great narratives, essays, and reports? As I grew up, I steadily understood what it entailed being a doctor and that strengthened my desire even more of becoming a doctor. Plagiarism Prevention 5. Are obliged to take care of them FOOD '' courses to get ready professionals and evolving day by.! A tree, I discuss the importance of knowing why you want to do good all! Angel for his patients as he draws them out of the doctor just his. In the war and tries to replace him with her particular tenants are obliged to take more... Applier of updated knowledge needs a doctor visited to our school and gave an on... 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