negative effects watermelon

During summers, we can find watermelons everywhere! Including watermelon in your diet may trigger allergic reactions. Side effects of eating too much watermelon can cause impotence and erectile dysfunction in men. Share your experience with us in the comments section below. Do Purple Potatoes Grow Naturally? If a person suffers from low blood pressure, it is best to avoid watermelon in all its form. Copyright © 2011 - 2021 Incnut Digital. Watermelon contains a special type of sugar, called sorbitol. You Need To Read This. Also, a cold watermelon may cause severe stomach pain and diarrhea in pregnant women.Excessive consumption of lycopene-rich watermelons can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating, gas and indigestion. Consumption of excessive watermelons can increase the water quantity in the body. Sometimes spoiled watermelon looks and smells fine. Allergens in this fruit consist of malate dehydrogenase, triose phosphate … Hence, it … 4. Watermelon is one of the best and healthy fruits of summer. StyleCraze provides content of general nature that is designed for informational purposes only. Oxidative stress in the liver is also more likely when alcohol and lycopene mix. You won’t have side effects from watermelon or watermelon juice if you eat it in moderation. Are They Good For You. Even consuming watermelon frequently as a dessert, fruit salad and in garnishing drinks could remediate metabolic complications that come … Watermelon allergy symptoms may range from … 1. The perfect summer fruit, watermelons with high water content, make for great thirst quenchers. Here are some negative effects of watermelons that you must be careful about this summer: Allergy - Including watermelon in your diet may trigger allergic reactions in some. Watermelon and its poisonous effects. As with all foods, portion size is key. The watermelon diet can help you lose weight, reduce inflammation, and cleanse your body of toxins — at least according to the Internet chatter. Are there any negative effects watermelon you should be aware of? This effect can be dangerous, especially since the liver is already stressed out. However, too much of arginine is bad and there are some side effects like abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, gout, allergies, worsening of asthma, etc. Watermelons are rich in lycopene. Learn more about the health benefits it may offer. Suggested Read:- 31 Amazing Benefits & Side Effects of Yellow Watermelon By Amina Nazarli. Watermelons are not just tasty and refreshing but are healthy too! Some of the diseases are absent or weak pulse, irregular heartbeats, cardiac arrest, etc. So if you eat of a lot of this fruit on a daily basis you may end up with great discomfort. This is often the case with cut melon that’s been sitting in a container in your fridge for a week or so. 5. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It does not enter into the cells of the body. These symptoms can be worse among older people, as the digestive system tends to weaken with age. हिन्दी रेसिपीज़, THIS WEBSITE FOLLOWS THE DNPA CODE OF ETHICS. It may lead to nausea, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion and gas. But like everything else, too much consumption of watermelon can create problems for your body. It consists of more than 90% of water. A watermelon plant (Citrullus lanatus) needs enough moisture to ensure proper growth and fruit development. That is why diabetics should avoid consuming watermelon. [ Read: Benefits Of Watermelon Juice For Health ]. All rights reserved. Here are some of the side effects of this delicious, juicy fruit are: Watermelons are rich in lycopene. Fungal diseases and viruses are the most common diseases that affect watermelon plants. These chemicals in watermelons make them good for our health. This can be more serious for the elderly, as their digestive systems are more sensitive due to age. The best way to keep harmful chemicals out of your food is buying local organic produce or … Watermelon is low in calories but high in antioxidants, electrolytes, and water, making it a perfect summer snack. It is an average of 112 mg per 100g of the fruit. Both the blood and the sugar remain in the blood, which can affect the triglyceride levels in the body. You could also use the expiration date to tell if the watermelon is bad. Diarrhea, bloating and irregular heartbeat are all potential side effects of eating too much watermelon. But now that you know about the side effects of watermelon, be sure you are not filling your body with too much of a good thing! It can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and can provide many important nutrients while hydrating your body. Watermelon intake has demonstrated effects on blood pressure regulation along with other health benefits. Consuming potassium enriched food in large quantities can lead to cardiovascular problems. The fact is that watermelon contains calories as well as sugar, so it is therefore typically not considered to be what a negative calorie food would constitute. Besides this, there are several important vitamins and minerals in it, Which are very important for the human body. It is easy to consume too much of this fresh fruit—it is just so tasty! Frequent arise of this problem is a serious issue and if this happens that you must concern a doctor the treatment and this can be because of excessive watermelon consumption and it adds to health problems further as well. 8. Among those receiving placebo, only 8.3% went from “mild ED” to normal function. In the case of watermelons, those treated with this chemical are very large and brightly colored on the outside, however, the color of the flesh is more white than deep red. Watermelon, full of with natural sugar can cause a spike in the sugar level of the body. However, these tasty fruits are best enjoyed in moderation due to their relatively high … Evidence available in the 2009 edition of “International Archives of Allergy and Immunology” reveals that the allergens in this fruit consist of malate dehydrogenase, triose phosphate isomerase and profiling, all of which are enzymes. Gestational diabetes is a common, yet serious health issue that plagues many pregnant women. 7 possible Side Effect of Excess Intake of Grapes, Top 13 Simple And Effective Relaxation Techniques, 5 Amazing Benefits Of Buteyko Breathing For Leading A Healthy Life, 6 Amazing Benefits Of Soham Meditation For Leading A Healthy Life, 10 Amazing Benefits Of Lemon Verbena Soap, Goat Milk: Health Benefits And Why It Could Be Better Than Cow Milk, 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Sorghum (Jowar), 19 Best Benefits Of Lime Water (Nimbu Pani) For Skin, Hair And Health, 38 Benefits Of Lime For Skin, Hair, And Health, 11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Sweet Potato Juice, 11 Health Benefits And Uses Of Castor Oil, Coconut Oil Side Effects: High Cholesterol, Diarrhea, And More, Apple Cider Vinegar: 8 Possible Side Effects And Dosage. Excessive consumption of potassium can cause potassium levels in the blood to become higher than normal, a condition known as hyperkalemia. So, pregnant women should stop eating watermelon for a few months! When there is a shortfall of glucose in the cells, then more amount of insulin is manufactured. Though the sealed container has prevented the fruit from getting slimy or growing mold, the … I believe in honesty, creativity and smart work. Do you enjoy watermelon? Negative Effects watermelon with Nutrition Facts and Vitamins Disadvantages of Watermelon, Precautions while eating . It is the only fruit supposed to provide drink and food both. This can be more serious for the elderly, as their digestive systems are more sensitive due to age. Watermelons contain high level of potassium. Side Effects of Eating Too Much Watermelon | … It is important to pick a thoroughly ripe watermelon in order to receive the greatest benefit. Enjoy this fruit in moderation to reap its benefits. Watermelon's Viagra-Like Effects. There are several components in watermelon that can cause side effects. Too much water can be detrimental when growing … Healing Effects Of Watermelon. Watermelon is also rich in the mineral potassium. If eaten in reasonable amounts, watermelons should produce no serious side effects. These above are some of the benefits of watermelon seeds and flesh that have good effects on the body of a human. Watermelon is a delicious summer treat, but to protect your health, it’s important to know if a watermelon is bad. But sometimes if the watermelon has a different name and looks bigger than normal, you couldn’t tell if it was bad or not. The watermelon did not cleave, as the seller noted before. I have been writing for various clients since 2006. Problems Related To Nerves And Muscles. They contain high amounts of Vitamins A, C and B6, and potassium. On hearing about the Texas finding, Irwin Goldstein, MD, editor-in-chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine, was underwhelmed. Watermelon is considered a safe food for most healthy people. People who are allergic to carrots, latex and cucumber, can easily develop allergic reactions to watermelon. One way you could discover whether your watermelon is bad is by checking for mold or a foul smell. It may lead to nausea, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion and gas. If you hear a sound from it that means the watermelon will not harm you. You may experience an allergy to watermelon if you have allergic sensitivities to latex, celery, cucumber or carrot – the Allergen Bureau reports that these allergies are related. Consuming large quantities of watermelons increases blood sugar level, which leads to gestational diabetes. Melons aren’t known to be common allergens or to produce any common medication interactions. They also contain plant chemical, such as citrulline and lycopene. Better safe than sorry! I have been delivering quality articles with a high proficiency in style, fashion, health, technology. Excessive consumption of lycopene-rich watermelons can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating, gas and indigestion. They are severe or mild rashes, anaphylaxis and facial swelling. Excessive consumption of watermelon can lead to a dip in the body’s blood pressure level. But one must always remember that one must not buy just any watermelons but only those that have a symmetrical shape as these are the best and the more they are greener the better they are. May Cause Diarrhoea And Other Digestive Problems Watermelon is an excellent source of water and an equally great source … These symptoms can be worse among older people, as the digestive system tends to weaken with age. It is known that consuming lycopene in large quantities may lead to nausea, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion and intestinal gases. Separate the facts from fiction here. Potassium is critical for the normal functioning of the nerves, muscle and heart. Following are some of the side effects of consuming watermelon in excessive amount -: 1) Hyperkalemia Eating more substantial amount of food loaded with potassium, including watermelon, may negatively influence people diagnosed with an excessive amount of potassium in their blood, which is known as hyperkalemia. 26 August 2014 14:02 (UTC+04:00) 98 823. So, when you eat watermelon, be mindful of your portion size! If you do notice any of these side effects, don’t wait for them to simply pass, go see your doctor! These diseases may infect the foliage, roots or fruit of watermelon. It may also affect the motor control and nervous system of the body. I am a freelance content writer. So, do not consume watermelon in large quantities. Other negative effects on body There are many health benefits to eating watermelon though and a lot of people who are going on a diet will definitely want to get a decent amount of it on a regular basis. Introducing the ‘watermelon’ effect, where process safety performance metrics appear ‘green’ suggesting that everything is under control, and yet digging below the surface reveals signs of ‘red’ indicating ill-health in the arrangements to prevent major accidents. Watermelon is among the richest natural sources of citrulline and it doesn’t have some of the nasty side effects which can occur with Viagra. Watermelon is an excellent source of water and an equally great source of dietary fibre​, Web If the excess water is not excreted from the body, then it can lead to increase in the volume of blood. There is nothing more refreshing than a slice of watermelon on a hot day. However, there are also some potential side effects from eating watermelon so care should be taken before adding watermelon … This may further worsen the swelling as well as lead to exhaustion and fatigue. That study involved 24 men, ranging from 46 to 66 years old. Stories, ऑमलेट बनाने के 6 अनोखे अंदाज़, जिंजरब्रेड कुकीज़ रेसिपी, ब्रेड पकौड़ा रेसिपी, नॉन-स्टिक बर्तन चलेंगे लंबे अपनाएं ये टिप्‍स, Summers are here and so is the need to fuel ourselves with cooling foods, This delicious fruit has about 92 percentage water, Consuming too much watermelon is said to have many side-effects, The fibre content in watermelon makes it an amazing fruit for weight loss, Been Eating Watermelons For Dinner? To avoid the risk of these side effects, it is better to eat watermelon in moderate quantity. Another seller said that in order to check a watermelon for freshness it is enough to flick it. Click here for additional information . As said above, watermelons are rich in lycopene. When an individual is insulin resistant, then the blood sugar level tends to stay put in the blood. The following two tabs change content below. Though lycopene intake is associated with a … So, do not consume watermelon in large quantities. Low levels of nitric oxide are associated with mental and physical fatigue and sexual dysfunction. Consuming watermelon can also cause allergic reactions in some people. People off comments section below to normal function study involved 24 men, ranging from 46 to years. The kidney reduces purification and excretion of harmful substances from the body, then more amount insulin! The seller noted before triglyceride levels in the volume of blood much consumption of watermelon juice if do. Health benefits it may lead to exhaustion and fatigue not intended to be common allergens or to any! On the body of a human leads to gestational diabetes is a shortfall of glucose in the,! ’ s blood pressure, it is an average of 112 mg per 100g the... Lead to nausea, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion and on. Would turn people off with age creativity and smart work digestive systems more. Volume of blood safe or not “mild ED” to normal function is.... 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